Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Homocysteine status and its determinants MTHFR genotype, folate and vitamin B12 in relation with BMD in Saudi men and their effect on osteoclast activity
حالة الهوموسيستين وتقديره لجينات إنزيم ,MTHFRالفولات وفيتامين B12 في علاقتهم مع كثافة العناصر العظمية في الرجال السعوديين وتأثيره على نشاطية الخلايا الهدمية
Subject : Biochemistry department 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Osteoporosis is a global health problem. The magnitude of the disease become larger in the Middle East region than in western countries. Clinical observations and the available research data showed that osteoporosis is a common disorder in the Saudi population. Most of these observation was concentrating upon postmenopausal women. Other observations suggested that the disease could truly affect male individuals to a comparable degree with women. The nutritional status play important role in osteoporosis development. So our project focused on the relationship between vitamin B12 and folate status with the BMD in healthy Saudi men. Method: Our study was consisted of 315 Saudi men. Based in WHO criteria they were classified according to T-score of their BMD at the anteroposterior lumbar spine (L1-L4), and right and left femoral neck into normal (n=235), osteopenic (n=70), and osteoporotic (n=10). The serum calcium, phosphate, ALP, PTH, vitamin D, vitamin B12, folate, homocysteine, OC, PINP, CTX, and NTX were measured for each individual. Also MTHFR C677T genotypes were performed for each individual to detect the genotype of these enzyme in each one to detect the relation of these different genotypes with BMD. In addition our subjects were divided according to vitamin B12, folate into normal and deficient subjects. In accordance with homocysteine level also were divided into hyperhomocysteinemic and normal individuals. Results: By using ANOVA, vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin D levels were significantly reduced in osteopenic and osteoporotic individuals compared to normal subjects (P < 0.05), while homocysteine, PTH, NTX, and CTX were significantly elevated in osteopenic and osteoporotic compared with the normal individuals (P < 0.05). Serum vitamin B12 has a significant positive correlation with vitamin D level, while inversely correlated with homocysteine, CTX, and NTX (P < 0.01) by using Pearson`s correlation coefficient. Folate has a significant positive correlation with BMD at right and left femoral neck, and calcium levels (P < 0.01), while homocysteine showed a significant negative correlations with BMD at lumbar spine (L2-L4), and at right and left femoral neck, and vitamin D level (P < 0.01). Serum OC, PINP, CTX, and NTX were inversely correlated with age and BMI (P < 0.01). Serum PINP was positively correlated with BMD at right and left femoral neck (P<0.01), while NTX was inversely correlated with BMD at lumbar spine, and at right and left femoral neck, calcium levels, and vitamin D levels (P < 0.01). Classification of our subjects according to vitamin B12 status into normal (n=255) and deficient (n=60) showed a significant elevation in homocysteine level in vitamin B12 deficient subjects compared with normal individuals (P < 0.05) by using t-test. When we classified our subjects according to serum folate level, we found a significant elevation in homocysteine level in folate deficient subjects (n=81) compared with normal individuals (n=234) (P < 0.05). According to homocysteine levels, we classified our subjects into normal (n=269) and hyperhomocystinemic (n=46) individuals, and a significant reduction in BMD at lumbar spine, and at right and left femoral neck in hyperhomocysteinemic compared with normal individual, but there was a significant elevation in NTX in hyperhomocysteinemic individual compared with normal individuals (P < 0.05). Homozygous and heterozygous in MTHFR C677T genotypes show significant elevation in homocysteine levels and lower level of OC compared with wild type (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency is fairly high in Saudi men. Elevated blood homocysteine level show a significant relation with reduction of BMD values at lumbar spine (L1-L4) and at right and left femoral neck. Vitamin B12 and folate status and MTHFR C677T genotypes may maintain BMD through their effect on blood homocysteine level. 
Supervisor : Prof. Jalaluddien Azam 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1433 AH
2012 AD
Co-Supervisor : Prof. Mohammed saleh Al-Ardawi 
Added Date : Tuesday, July 31, 2012 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أيمن سعيد الحربيAl-Harbi, Ayman SaeedResearcherDoctorate 


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