Tips on KAU E-mail

Publications awareness for the use of university Email  logo

If you want to receive all your messages from your new account on your university account, you should forward messages from your Outlook account by following these simple steps:

  1. Sign in to the Outlook e-mail account.
  2. Go to Settings -> More Settings -> and select (Redirect Email) as shown below:

  3. Select (Forward Mail to Another E-mail Account), write the mail you want to forward messages to, and choose (Keep a Copy of Forwarded Messages in Inbox."

  4. وبعد حفظ التغييرات , يمكنك الآن إستقبال جميع رسائل حساب بريد OutLook على حساب بريدك الجامعي.

Last Update
9/4/2018 2:12:21 PM