Programming I

Text Book:

§  Programming with C++ By John R. Hubbard



§  C++ from the GROUND UP By Herbert Schildt. Osborne, 2003.

§  الحاسوب وإيجاد الحلول باستخدام سي بلس بلس  للدكتور كمال جنبي

§  Object Oriented Programming in C++ By Robert Lafore

§  Technical C++ By Andrew C.staugaard

§  Lecture Notes + Programming Exercises


Course Description:

Introductory course covers programming concepts, problem-solving methods, and algorithms development. It includes program designing, debugging, and testing. The covered topics include control structures, iteration statements, functions, parameter passing, library functions, and  arrays. Implementations and programs developments will be done using C++ programming language.


Course Objectives:

§  Learning principles of programming and problem solving.

§  Learning the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language and how to implement problem solutions in C++.

§  Developing programs in C++ to gain practical programming experience.

§  Gaining basic programming and debugging skills.

§  Recognizing common C/C++ designing and coding errors.


Student Responsibilities:
Attend lectures and labs on time besides working on the programming exercises during the normal class lab times, and as much outside of class as necessary to understand. The purpose of the labs is to familiarize you with the concepts necessary to complete the programming assignments and do well on the quizzes and exams.



General Policies:
You should keep an extra copy of every program you turn in on the disk for later use. 
§  No make-up exams will be given. 
  §  Late assignments will not be accepted without documentary evidence.

Attendance Policy:
The student is expected to attend all lectures and labs. New material will be presented in both lecture and lab. The student is responsible for any material missed because of absence or lateness. The absence of 25% of the total lectures will prevent the student from attending the final exam.  

Honesty Policy:L
Students are expected to design, code, and debug their programs individually. Under no circumstances may a student share a copy of their program with another student. A student who shares their program with another student or copies a program from another student will receive a zero for that particular instance assignment. Any student who cheats on an exam or quiz will be prevented from completing that exam and may receive a zero for that particular instance.

Students may discuss a homework assignment to clarify what is required. Students may discuss a specific statement or a couple of statements in a program to determine what it is doing, or should be doing. However, students may NOT share their program with a classmate, nor may students read or copy another student's program.

Assessment Policy:

  1. Exams test student understanding of programming behavior and concepts, and properties of data structures and algorithms.

  2. Lab work and programming assignments provide students with opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of the application and implementation.

Grading Policy:

Grades will be based on the following breakdown:


 First Exam 


 Second Exam


   5% Lab Work
   5% First Lab Exam
   10% Final Lab Exam




 Final Exam




Important Dates:

Ø  First Exam: 6th Week 1st Exam Wednesday 28/11/1429 = =  26/11/2008

Ø  Second Exam: 13th Week 2nd Exam Wednesday 24/1/1430 = = 21/1/2009


Last Update
12/14/2008 11:33:22 PM