Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
A Suggested Model For An Electronic Museum Through Internet And Its Effectiveness On Educational Technology Students
نموذج مقترح لمتحف إلكتروني عبر الإنترنت وفعاليته على طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم
Subject : PHd 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Introduction : With the emergence of the knowledge society in today's current environment of information globalization and rapid technological change, enhancing the public's involvement in knowledge discovery and creation is pivotal to enhancing the heritage experience. Museums play a vital role in the development and well being of society. According to the International Council Of Museums they provide acquisition, conservation, communication and exhibition services for the education and enjoyment of society. In so doing, museums connect the public with its heritage, and provide opportunities to better understand and rationalize the world we live in. Museums have so far been successful in participating in the virtual realm by creating rich digital content and contextual information using sophisticated displays, thus educating the public about their original collections. The new knowledge economy is one driven by human knowledge and intellectual capital, and being shaped in large part by our schools and universities. To participate in the new era, museums have been forging collaborations with educational institutions to provide the public with educational products and tools. This is a thoughtful alliance that partners museums, the custodians of authoritative heritage content, with members of the educational community, who know best the needs of students in the new economy. The view of museum content as authoritative means that museums are well placed to take advantage of this given that trust is an important factor in users' attitudes toward on-line content. We can say that The change in educational system is required to solve problems in places , time and communication with maintain educational system efficiency by using a new technology in developing online learning based on system approach and instructional design. Research Problem: The problem of the present Research can be stated into main questions: how can we build electronic museum through Internet and what are its impacts on educational technology? this question has subdivided into many questions: 1- what are tools of electronic museums which can be used in the suggested electronic museum? 2- What are quality standards for electronic museum via Internet? 3- What is the model of instructional design that can be followed for designing the suggested electronic museum? 4- What is the suggested model of an electronic museum via Internet in the light of the previous there questions ? 5- What is the effectiveness of the suggested model of the electronic museum on: - The cognitive acquisition related to the curriculum of museums and evaluation exposition . - The creative thinking related to the curriculum of museums and the aims of Research . - Education Technology students’ attitudes in using electronic museums in education. The Aims of Research: This Research aims to present a suggestive for on electronic museum via Internet , and showing its effectiveness on education technology students. This question is subdivided into many other questions: 1- Knowing the varied museum tools which many be found in any electronic museum via Internet. 2- Determining quality standards of electronic museums via Internet. 3- Designing a sample for educational standard that can be followed in designing electronic museums via Internet. 4- Designing a suggested sample of on electronic museum via Internet through which we can present curriculum of museums and educational expositions for the students of the first year in Education Technology Department. 5- Determining the effectiveness of the suggested sample of the electronic museum on: - The cognitive acquisition related to the content of museums and educational exposition for the education technology students. - The creative thinking related to the curriculum of museums and educational expositions for the education technology students. - Education Technology students’ attitudes in using electronic museums in education. Research hypotheses: The present Research attempts to investigate the truth of these hypotheses. 1- There are significant differences at level (0.01) between the first group and the second group on the student's achievement. 2- There are significant differences at level (0.01) between the first group and the second group on the student's creative thinking. 3- There are significant differences at level (0.01) between the first group and the second group on the student's changing attitudes towards using electronic museum in learning. Research Importance This research is expected to help in: 1- Introduce a scientific solves for higher educational problems. 2- Give scientific solves in building electronic museum which suitable with Egyptian higher education students. 3- Help electronic museum designer in developing specific standards. Research curriculum The Research depends on the following two curricula: 1. The Analytic Descriptive curriculum. This curriculum tries to describe and interpret the content. It is used in the present Research in order to describe and analyze the previous researches and studies. 2. The experimental curriculum: This curriculum is used to know the effect of the in dependent variable on the dependent variables. The experimental curriculum is used in this research to show to relation between the following variables: 1. The independent variable: electronic museum. The dependent variables: achievement, creative thinking. The Experimental Design of Research Post-Measurement treatment Pre Measurement O2 x O2 Traditional method O2 x O2 Electronic museum Research tools The Researcher has prepared the Following Tools: 1. standards quality list for electronic museum. 2. list for assessment electronic museum usability. 3. Interview from applied on teachers in educational technology Department. 4. Interview from applied on student in educational technology department. 5. the knowledge achievement test. 6. the creative thinking assessment. 7. electronic museum attitudes scale applied on research groups. Research sample The research sample consist of 40 student selected from a number of educational technology students in the educational technology department, each group consists of 20 students. The first group studied the course of museums and exhibition using the electronic museum , the second group studied the content of their course using traditional method. Research procedure: 1- Reviewing the Literature Related to the Research problem. 2- Identifying the Theoretical Background Related to the Research Problem. 3- Developing the Research tools 4- Developing the Instructional Design Model For Electronic museum. 5- Developing the suggested model for electronic museum through internet. 6- Reviewing the model and Research tools by the expert judgment. 7- Caring out a pilot Research . 8- Selecting the Research sample. 9- Implementing the electronic museum and its tools . 10- Collecting pre and post data and treating data statistically . 11- Interpretation and discussion of the results. 12- Stating recommendation and suggestions. Research Results The Research Findings The answer about first question: There are (52) tools we can use in electronic museum: 1. Digital Objects. 2. Repository. 3. Museum Collection. 4. Museum Manager . 5. Museum Hall. 6. Electronic Visit. 7. Virtual Tour. 8. Tool Story Telling. 9. Interactive Guide. 10. Information Brokering Tool. 11. Metadata. 12. Searching Tools . 13. Browsers Objects. 14. Databases. 15. Electronic Exhibition. 16. My Gallery. 17. Interactive Map . 18. Annotation Tool. 19. Drawing Tool . 20. Zoom Tool . 21. Magic Lances 22. Panoramic Camera. 23. Time Line. 24. Text To Speech. 25. E-Voting. 26. Museum Cast. 27. avatar . 28. Synchronous Conferences . 29. Virtual Light Box. 30. Chatting Rooms . 31. Interactivity . 32. Web Quest. 33. Curator. 34. Electronic Library. 35. Web Log . 36. Web Wiki. 37. Discussion Forum. 38. Rich Site Summary 39. News Boards . 40. Calendar. 41. Calendar. 42. .E-Mail. 43. Mail Form. 44. E-News. 45. Mail list. 46. -Postcard . 47. Guestbook . 48. Frequently Asked Questions. 49. Visitor List . 50. Glossary Tool. 51. Map Site. 52. Text Content. The answer about second question: There are (916) standards for quality of electronic museum, came in (22) axis: 1. Purpose & Audience 2. Content 3. The Credibility 4. Interface Design 5. Searching 6. Usability 7. Museum Collections 8. Digital objects 9. Maintenance 10. Metadata 11. Interoperable 12. Rights management 13. Preserved 14. Accessibility 15. Multi-lingual 16. Electronic Visit 17. Virtual Tour 18. Museum Hall 19. Interactivity 20. Learning activities 21. Learning Strategies 22. Integrating between electronic and physical museum. The answer about third question: arrive to instructional model design for electronic museum called IDMEM model , consist of 5 stages: 1. Analysis and decision making 2. Design 3. Development 4. Implementation and Evaluation 5. Using and publishing The answer about fourth question: Suggested model for electronic museum consist of 42 tools, 48 function, 18 learning activity, 14 learning strategy, 800 digital object, 8 interaction style. The answer about five question: 1- There are significant differences at level (0.01) between the first group and the second group on the student's achievement in favor of the first group (electronic museum). 2- There are significant differences at level (0.01) between the first group and the second group on the student's creative thinking in favor of the first group (electronic museum). 3- There are significant differences at level (0.01) between the first group and the second group on the student's changing attitudes towards using electronic museum in learning in favor of the first group (electronic museum). 
Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Nadia Al Said Al Husseini 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1427 AH
2007 AD
Number Of Pages : 1170 
Co-Supervisor : Assistant Prof.Dr. Zeinab Mohamed Amin 
Added Date : Saturday, December 25, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
وليد سالم الحلفاويEl Halafway, Waleed

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