Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Effect of Different Qira'at "from of Surat AL SAFFAT to of Surat AL QAMAR" Theoretical and Applied Study
اختلاف القراءات وأثره في التفسير (من سورة الصافات إلى سورة الناس) "دراسة نظرية تطبيقية"
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The science of Tafseer (exegesis) and Qira’at (modes of recitation) are considered among the important and venerable sciences due to their connection with the Qur’an. There is an urgent need to learn these two sciences, so that we can understand and contemplate on the meaning of the words of God Almighty, so that we can comprehend its provisions. I have conducted this research, to study these two dignified sciences in a number of Qur’an chapters (Sura), adopting the theory and application approach. The theoretical part of this research focused on the theory of Quran's Qira’at, whereas the application part followed the inductive-deductive approach, by writing the verse where there is variation in its mode of recitation, and making a commentary about these modes, including linguistic analysis when applicable. Then I make a commentary on the various interpretations of the verse in question, based on the differences incurred by the recitation mode, clarifying the type of variation found and it its theological and jurisprudential implications if any. The research consisted of an introduction chapter, a theoretical chapter, a discussion chapter, and a conclusion chapter. The theoretical chapter consists of three section; one on the concept of Qira’at and their related terminology. Section two deals with the variations among different Qira’at, the inimitability, and seven letters of the Qur’an. Section three elaborates on the differences between Qira’at and their impact on the interpretation of the Qur’an. The discussion chapter analyzes the excerpts where there are variations caused by different Qira’at, and their impact on the interpretation starting from the beginning of Sura Al-Saffat, to the end of Sura Al-Qamar. In conclusion, I came to conclusions, the most important of which are: that the different have an impact on the interpretation of the verse; Either each recitation has a meaning with the permissibility of their combination in one thing (such as the recitation of “they are going to go and they are going to go”) in the Almighty’s saying: “So come to Him, they are going.” The first means entering into the fast, which is the beginning of the enemy of ostriches or making people and animals hurry up, and the other means rushing and setting off in Walking, so the two meanings met in their indication of speed., or that the Qira'ats are close in meaning (such as Qira'at what he lied and lied) in the Almighty’s saying: “The heart did not lie what it saw.” The first means that the heart of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did not lie his sight in what he saw on the night of the Isra’ And the Miraj, and the second is that the sight of the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not lie in what he saw that night, so the two meanings converged in these two Qira'ats. In order to increase the knowledge of Muslims about the greatness of the book of God Almighty, and His mercy, Glory be to Him, and His facilitation for His servants, and I also recommend the work of a research project that serves this great science, such as researching abnormal Qira'ats and their impact on Tafseer and jurisprudential rulings. Keywords: Qira’at, narrator, Tafseer, Tafseer scholars, variation 
Supervisor : Dr. karima Ali Mazoudi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1444 AH
2023 AD
Added Date : Sunday, July 2, 2023 


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لينة عمر بامفلحBamofleh, Leenah OmarResearcherMaster 


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