Mandated Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omar Bafail for vice presidency for projects

Administrative decision
The Rector
- Construction of the powers conferred upon him.
- After examining the administrative decision No. 5844 / S e and the date of 28.03.1430, containing the mandate of Dr. / Ahmed bin Hamed Ahmed my critics, Vice President for Business and innovation knowledge, tasks, burdens and Vice President of the projects.
- Based on the public interest.
Decides the following
First commissioned Prof. Dr. / Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah Bahasin Pavel, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, the tasks and burdens and Vice President of the projects.
Second, the assignment from the date of this resolution and until the appointment of an agent for the University of projects.
Third, work on all sides and which Anvzh.
                                                                A. D. Osama Bin Sadiq Tayeb

Last Update
6/23/2011 1:59:54 PM