The Demographic Study and Social Planning Unit


This unit focuses on demographic studies regarding the composition of the population, population growth, its pyramidal structure, birth and death rates, internal and external migration, disease contracting ratios, manpower movement and changes that occur as a result of economic, social, cultural and touristic changes.

The Unit Objectives :

1. To prepare studies on the pyramidal structure of the Saudi population.

2.To create a database on the characteristics of the population.

3. To set up a database of individuals who are qualified in demographic studies and in social planning in the Kingdom.

4. To study social relationships within various social entities and their effect on social organization and planning.

5. To study internal and external migration, social mobility and manpower movement in terms of its nature, causes and consequences.

6. To study the rates of contracting the most dangerous diseases and the covert role of social and demographic variables affecting those rates.

7. To study positive and negative demographic phenomena in the kingdom in terms of their extent, causes, advantages, disadvantages and ways of controlling the negative ones.

8. To present a conception of a demographic policy for the purpose of investing it in drawing the salient aspects of development strategies.


Last Update
10/16/2012 12:21:24 PM