The Woman Studies Unit


This unit is concerned with increasing public awareness as well as that of other parties concerned with the realities of the situation of women in the society and other relevant issues. The unit will undertake studies and research and organize symposia and workshops to improve the position of the Saudi women in order to mobilize all community resources and enable all its components to actively participate in standing up to the challenges imposed by the present world order.

The Unit Objectives :

1. To conduct research and studies on different issues relating to women.

2. To study the position of women in the society and collect relative data.

3. To contribute in suggesting practical solutions to women ’s social, economic, cultural and educational problems.

4. To provide consultation to social institutions on issues concerning women.

5. To contribute in preparing women – related training packages and training programs.

6. To cooperate with universities and other institutions of similar concerns in addressing issues relating to women.


Last Update
10/16/2012 11:51:42 AM