توصيات المؤتمر

Final Recommendations of The International Conference on Water Conservation in Arid Regions    12-14/10/2009

  1. Increase the application of traditional and newly developed water harvesting techniques to increase water availability in the irrigation sector, groundwater recharge and water supply to rural areas.
  2. Promote the application of bioremediation techniques, especially natural methods for the removal of contaminants, therefore to achieve water reuse with minimal cost.
  3. Emphasis the reuse of grey water in industry, landscaping in urban area, and forestations, under strict environmental standards and regulations.
  4. Take into consideration the impact of climate changes on water availability in arid and semi arid zones in any development plans.
  5. Create a mandatory water management departments in high water consumption government and private sector institutions to control and supervise the water consumption.
  6. Implement the integrated water management approach in the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors, to enhance efficiency in water uses, therefore to conserve both water and the environment.
  7. Promote the usage of conservation devices and techniques in domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
  8. Using new technologies to operate and manage water distribution systems in urban and agricultural areas to minimize leakages.
  9. Encourage the investments in the water research, and studies to explore nontraditional water resources such as cultivating salt-tolerant crops and using the seawater and brackish water as alternative drinking water for farm animals. 
  10. Enhancement of endowment and charity to sponsor water research and projects.
  11. Mobilization of all efforts, nationally and internationally, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions, to propagate and promote water use ethics, among all users and stakeholders.
  12. Compost, organic maters and the boslan particles application to soils, improves their water use efficiency, fertility, hydrophysical properties and it’s ability to store sufficient quantities of water, so, decrease the irrigation water consumption.
  13. With the help of satellite remote sensing, it is recommended to include some measurements for water quality changes using different spectral bands formulas to give clearer environmental ideas when study any area changes.
  14. It is recommended to update the water demands and study recent water saving crop patterns to be incorporated in more integrated water management in order to determine the best optimum water managements for water resources.
  15.  Enforcing the use of dual piping systems when connecting the domestic water, one supplies potable water for drinking, food preparation, self-cleaning and ablution and the other for the treated wastewater to be used in toilet flushing, and garden irrigation.
  16. Increase the prevention efforts, by using and endorsing the necessary measures, therefore to safe water bodies from pollution intrusion.

Last Update
6/13/2010 10:55:27 AM