About The Conference

The scarcity and insufficiency of natural water resources is a real challenge facing residents and the authorities of water resources planning and management of arid regions throughout the world. The water supply and demand balance in arid regions is affected by population growth, water consumption per capita, and climate change. There are several ways people in these regions deal with the limited water resources, among these are: optimal water demand management; water conservation awareness; minimization of water loss through misuse, deficiency in maintenance of transportation, distribution, and storage systems; adoption of new technologies and legislations that assist in water conservation and savings.


The call for this conference has been initiated by the Water Research Center at King Abdulaziz University to fulfil its mission and role in the region. This conference aims to bring together researchers, scientists, academicians, and governmental authorities from all over the world into one meeting to present and discuss the latest in research and technologies as well as to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of water conservation and savings, focussing on the domestic, agricultural, and industrial sectors. We hope that this conference will help participants in gaining knowledge and exchanging ideas that will assist in the adoption of appropriate strategies that deal effectively with the current shortage in water resources associated with arid regions and consequently in achieving water security for the different populations.

Last Update
4/28/2009 11:42:06 AM