A Competition to Design "A Smoking-free University" Logo

In maintenance of its national anti-smoking campaign under the banner of "A Smoking-free University", KAU Deanship of Students' Affairs has staged a competition to have a new logo designed for the campaign under the title of "A New Logo towards  a Sheer Willpower".

The winning logo will be launched by HE Prof Osama S. Tayyeb, KAU President, at the beginning of this year's second semester.

The selection committee has held a meeting to review the 32 competing logos and recommended having them uploaded on the University's main website, pending a free vote by university affiliates and the public to pick the best three.

The list of prizes includes a car, a sea jet, a bedroom and a set of jewelry.

Prof Abdullah Mustafa Mehriji, Dean of Students' Affairs, pointed out that the campaign was aimed at creating a healthy KAU environment in a bid to meet the standards of international accreditation as to ensure having healthy classrooms. It was also aimed at lending a helping hand to the KAU students and staff to steer clear of the harmful health and financial effects of smoking and to minimize smoking-related deaths, in addition to helping students quit smoking, thereby avoiding financial exhaustion.

This was unveiled by Mr Ahmed Mohammed Al Omari, Media Coordinator at the Deanship of Students' Affairs.

Last Update
2/21/2009 11:15:26 AM

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