Personal Information


Department of  Chemistry

Faculty of Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 026400000 Ext. 65357


Reda Mohamedy Mohamed Mohamed



Research Interests of Prof. Reda Mohamedy  are mainly focused on the design of “ Nano-Size controlled Eco-Materials” including photocatalysts. Photo-functional materials. Environmental catalysts. Nano-catalyst in the search for development of clean energy and establishment of cost- saving environmental purification processes.  The main targets are Photocatalyst, photo-functional materials, nano-catalysts, environmental catalysts, visible or solar light sensitive photocatalysts, hydrogen production catalyst, zeolites, mesoporous materials, semiconductors, and green chemistry


  • 2005

    Doctorate degree from Chemistry Science, Ain Shams University , , مصــــــــر


Research Interests

Photocatalyst, photo-functional materials, nano-catalysts, environmental catalysts, visible or solar light sensitive photocatalysts, hydrogen production catalyst, zeolites, mesoporous materials, semiconductors, green chemistry

Scientific interests

Prof. Reda have  a great deal of experience in synthesis of mixed oxides via sol-gel techniques.  His current research interests focus mainly on synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation of nanostructured materials using chemical and wet processes for environmental applications. He published a total of more than 100 papers in international journals, shared in numerous international conferences, involved in strengthening international cooperation through joint projects. He participated in many international joint projects as principle investigator or co-principle investigator.  His h-factor is 29 and he published 100 international paper and four  US patent and one book chapter.


Areas of expertise

Mainly focused on the design of “ Nano-Size controlled Eco-Materials” including photocatalysts.