Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of  Computer Sciences

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology

Contact Information

Phone: 0126400000 Ext. 67469


Ali Naser Alkhathlan

 Assistant Professor


Received his bachelor's degree in computer science from King Abdulaziz University (KAU) 2007.

Received his master's degree in computer science from the University of Colorado at Denver 2013.

Received his P.h.D in computer science from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) 2019


  • 2019

    Doctorate degree from Computer ScienceCollege of Engineering and Applied Science uccs, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, كلورادو, دنفر, امــريــكـا


Research Interests

Interested in making computers read and understand texts like humans. Modelling and representing natural language from computational perspective using the most advanced AI technologies such as deep neural networks. I zoom in on end-to-end artificial systems to give us useful ways of otherwise complex systems. Recently, my focus is on the Arabic language, investigating the process of Arabic word sense disambiguation different from traditional research approaches, that is by computationally obtaining multiple embeddings representing each sense. Another problem that was approached differently, was considering Arabic diacritisized text as a sequence to sequence problem to restore the missing diacritics. Currently, I am working on cross-lingual artificial question answering systems making use of transformer structure

Machine Learning

Neural Network.

Natural Language Processing.

Scientific interests

Alkhatlan, Ali, Jugal Kalita, and Ahmed Alhaddad. "Word sense disambiguation for Arabic exploiting Arabic wordnet and 
word embedding." Procedia computer science 142 (2018): 50-60 Elsevier.


Alkhatlan, Ali, and Jugal Kalita. "Intelligent tutoring systems: A comprehensive historical survey with recent developments." arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.09628 (2018).
Alkhatlan, Ali, Faris Kateb, and Jugal Kalita. "Attention-Based Sequence Learning Model for Arabic Diacritic Restoration." 2020 6th Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning Applications (CDMA). IEEE, 2020


Artificial Intelligence lab CPCS-331
Programming language CPCS-202

Areas of expertise

باحث Intelligent tutoring systems: A comprehensive historical survey with recent developments A Alkhatlan, J Kalita‏ arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.09628‏