Agreement extending Prince Naif Chair for Moral Values signed

Prof Abdurrahman Alyoubi, Acting KAU President, and Dr Saeid bin Khidr Al-Urabi Al-Harthi, co-signed Sunday an agreementl extending the activities of Prince Naif Chair for Moral Values for a further period of four years.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif, Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior, gave his seal of approval to the extension.

The signing ceremony was attended by Dr Ahmed Nagadi, KAU Vice President for Business and Knowledge Creativity, and Dr Saeed A. Affandi, the Chair's Supervisor.

Prince Naif Chair for moral Values was inaugurated five years ago with the purpose of promoting moral values in the community, introducing the outside world the Islamic moral values through symposia, conferences and various forms of participation and monitoring the causes and symptoms of recession in positive values as well as the spread of negative values and concepts. It also aims at developing plans, projects and programmes which introduce the importance of moral values and spread them in society, preparing studies that contribute to the strengthening the moral values that are compatible with variables of our time, contributing to the offering of practical and scientific solutions for dealing with and limiting moral problems. The Chair also seeks to participate in establishing the standards and indicators which guide the application of moral values in societies through the Islamic way of life as well as communicating them to the world through the various international organizations and bodies.

Prof Alyoubi seized the opportunity to show his deepest gratitude to Prince Mohammed bin Naif for his concerted efforts in support of the university's mission, stressing that KAU would continue to enhance moral values in the Saudi community. 



Last Update
9/14/2015 10:32:33 AM

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