About Call Center Management

Is the work of administrative communication of specialized business that have certain conditions must be considered when designing and planning of its location. And preferably in the planning of the institution building from the beginning, so the site selection and design of the communications center management in any organization a significant impact on the effectiveness of the work papers and information, whether received by the institution or issued by it.
That the quality of the efforts and activities required by the acts of communication, and the multiplicity of functions and determine the details necessary to design and call center units can even be affected by the efficiency of the work performed there.

Centre was established with the beginnings of a university administration in 1967 and was called the issued and contained and then name the most comprehensive in the sense, "Center for Communications Management" Finally, and more specifically in the specialty has become (Center for Communications Management) after the reorganization and restructuring and support of electronic services.

Goals and Tasks

  • Export of administrative decisions issued by senior management and public administration.
  • Publish all administrative decisions on the University website.
  • Publish all administrative circulars on the University website.
  • Receipt and distribution of transactions and parcels to all sectors of the university.
  • Receive incoming transactions for senior management from outside the university and the university introduced.
  • Refer all transactions from the stomach of different points of the university and its distribution.
  • Work to organize the distribution channels within the university to ensure the flow of transactions.
  • Maintaining and ensuring the confidentiality of transactions and not to leak information.
  • Organization of work through the sections depends not be confused and facilitate communication departments.
  • Receive the reviewers from within and outside the university and answer their questions.
  • Information retrieval service providing administrative letters, resolutions and save for export.
  • Receipt and delivery of mail on the management of the university of Saudi Post Corporation.
  • The provision of telex and fax service inside and outside the university. 


نظام فكرة عمادة شؤون المكتبات المنتدى الرسمي لجامعة الملك عبد العزيز احداث الجامعة لمشاركة الطلاب والطالبات في لجان الجامعة استبانة الموقع قيم رشح المنتدى الرسمي لمعالي مدير الجامعة مدونات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز توقعات الطقس
