Resume of Vice-chancellor




Personal Information

·         Name:

Adnan Hamza Mohammed Zahed

·         Date of Birth:

1953G, Medina Al-Munawara

·         Nationality:


·         Current Position:

Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

·         Work Address:

King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box: 80204, Jeddah-21589, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

·         Telephone No.:

(00966) (2) 6952015/6404321

·         Fax No.:

(00966) (2) 6952441

·         E-mail:


Educational Background

·         Dec. 1982

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, University of California at Davis, U.S.A.

·         July 1979

Master of Science in Engineering, University of California at Davis, U.S.A.

·         Aug. 1976

Bachelor of Science in Engineering, University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, K.S.A.


Academic Ranks

·         1996-to-date

Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

·         1990-1996

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

·         1990-1991

Visiting Professor, Sabbatical year at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, USA

·         1983-1990

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

·         1976-1977

Graduate Assistance, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

·         1974-1976

Teaching Assistance, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Petroleum  and Minerals, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Publications, Consultations, and Certificates

·         1986-to-date

More than 15 funded research from inside and outside the King Abdulaziz University

·         1982-to-date

More than 57 papers published in International Conferences and refereed journals.

·         1999-2007

Certificate of Merit given by the Rector of King Abdulaziz University for participation in the Student activities

·         2006

Short bibliography published in Marquis Who's Who in the World

·         1995-1996

General Supervisor at Badra Saudi Factories Company

·         1993-1995

Senior General Manager at Savola Snack Food Company      

·         1993

Certificate of Merit given by the Dean of the College of Engineering

·         1993

Co-author of the Arabic  translation of Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Book

·         1986-1990

Certificate of Appreciation given by the Dean of the College of Engineering for administrative work in the College

·         1990

Certificate of Merit given by the Rector of King Abdulaziz University for participation in the First Saudi Symposium on Energy Utilization and Conservation

·         1988

Certificate of Appreciation given by the Dean of the College of Engineering for administrative work in the College

·         1983

Certificate of Merit for Participation in First Saudi Engineering Conference

Professional Societies of Which a Member

·         Saudi Chemistry Society – Member

·         American Institute of Chemical Engineering – Member



Administrative Experiences

·         2009-to-date

Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University

·         2007-2009

Dean of Graduate Studies, King Abdulaziz University

·         1997-2007

Vice Dean , College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University

·         2001-2004

Member of the Administrative Council for the University Staff Coop, King Abdulaziz University

·         1992-1993

Coordinator of Hydrogen Production by the Solar Energy (Hysolar Project), King Abdulaziz University

·         1989-1990

Director of University Sponsored Research Administration, King Abdulaziz University

·         1986-1989

Director of Scientific Research Administration, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University

·         1983-1985

Director of Maintenance Department, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University

·         1983

Acting Chairman, Chemical Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University

·         1983

Director of Academic Affairs, Chemical Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University


Other Assigned Duties

·         Member in 10 committees at the Department of Chemical Engineering (Departmental Level) from 1985 to 2007


·         Member in 29 committees at the College of Engineering (College Level) from 1983 to 2007


·         Member in 18 committees at the University of Kingabdulaziz University (inside/outside KAU level) from 1983 to 2009


A Partial List of the Assigned Duties



o   Chairman of the academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty


o   Member of the Faculty Council


o   Coordinator of Substantial Equivalency Evaluations For ABET


o   Member of a Permanent Committee for Registration at KAU


o   Member of a committee for the Entrance Exam to the University


o   Chairman of the Faculty of Eng. Curriculum Committee


o   Chairman of the Training Committee at the Faculty of Eng.


o   Member of a Permanent Committee for the Supervision on the English Center


o   Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Conference on Engineering Education, Qassim University.


o   Member of the Advisory Committee for the Second International Conference on Engineering Education, Kuwait University.


o   Member of the Scientific Committee in Al-Bayan Foundation for Education, and the coordinator for International Contacts, Prince Migrin Bin Abdualaziz Al-Saud University.


Compilation and Editing

·         2009

Bulletin for Graduate Studies in Arabic, KAU

·         2009

Bulletin for Applicable Scientific Theses in Arabic, KAU

·         2009

Bulletin for Writing Theses in Arabic, KAU

·         2006-2007

College of Engineering Bulletin in English, KAU

·         2005-2006

College of Engineering Bulletin in Arabic, KAU

·         2005

Bulletin for Graduate Studies Procedures in Arabic, KAU

·         2003-2004

A New Curriculum Plan Bulletin in Arabic for the College of Engineering, KAU

·         2003

A Guide for the Incoming Students for the College of Engineering, KAU

·         2000, 2004

College of Engineering Bulletin in Englishm KAU

·         1986, 1987

Annual Report of Research Activities and Publications  (Arabic and English version), College of Engineering, KAU

·         1986

Manual of the Applied Research Awards Funded in the College, (Arabic and English version)

·         1985, 1986

Annual Report of Research Activities and Publications (Arabic and English version), College of Engineering, KAU.


Programs to Improve Teaching & Professional Experiences


·         Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning, Center for Teaching and Learning   Development(CTLD), KAU. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,

·         Educational Technology, (CTLD), KAU. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

·         Study Skills, (CTLD), KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,

·         Self-Evaluation for the Faculty Member, (CTLD) , KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

·         Curriculum Development, (CTLD), KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

·         College Teaching Methods, (CTLD), KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

·         Teaching Tips (Hints) - (CTLD), KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

·         Motivating Students To Learn More and Better(CTLD) , KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

·         Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Hobart Australia

·         2000 ABET Annual Meeting, JW Marriott Hotel at Lenox, Atlanta.

·         A Learning Centered Approach to Engineering Education(AL) for the 21st Century, KAU., Jeddah Saudi Arabia.

·         Student Guidance at KAU., (CTLD), KAU., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

·         Statistical Applications Using SPSS, (CTLD) KAU.

·         Development of Administration Skills for the Academic Leaders at KAU., (CTLD).

·         The Student As the Center in the Educational Operation, (CTLD), KAU.

·         A self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning, (CTLD), KAU.

·         2005 ABET Annual Meeting, Sandi ago, California.

·         2006 ABET Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida.



Last Update
7/3/2009 1:38:01 AM