About Internet Services Department

Since the launching of internet services in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia generally and in universities particularly, there was a growing need to create and establish several fields and departments in this respect. Therefore, internet services Department was established at the center upon the administrative decree no. 182/ mk/419, which was issued on 4/3/1419 AH; by the Dean of Information Technology then, the current Dean Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Mohsen Al- Bedewy.
This modest place aims to focus on some of the current electronic services provided by the electronic University network; those are related to intranet and internet. Internet services department, Deanship of Information Technology was honored to supervise its establishment, operation, development and maintenance. The Center Administration is also keen to provide financial and incorporeal support for the department, in order to offer all the possible services to benefit the University and its
associates, with regard to the available capabilities and followed regulations.
Electronic Services
Networks operations have flourished in the past few years and rarely do you find any computer device that is not connected to the internet. The reason is that the University (sectors and associates) benefited enormously from these networks. These benefits do not form only one area, but rather several areas, which transcend sharing the accompanying devices, like printers and others, but most importantly, they help in sharing information, which is considered a premium factor in University life and success story. Additionally, providing equipments and programs related to establishing networks, the continuous decrease in its costs, as well as, primarily, officials and decision makers concern to increase the prevalence of these networks and to depend on such permanently. Generally, all these computer networks perform the main role established for, namely transferring information. The bigger the network is, the more complicated it becomes. In fact, there are many benefits of networks inside the University; including serving in the automation of the administrative work, like: facilitating file transfers – sharing resources (faxes, printers and modems) – sharing programs or common applications … etc. Some networks serve general operations at the University, like: surfing the internet – exchanging information – operating administrative systems and academic advanced systems – network security … etc.

Last Update
3/24/2008 6:20:55 PM