
Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship

Presents a Lecture about Obesity Surgeries

The Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship, represented by the unit of “Social Responsibility”  organized a lecture titled “obesity surgeries” under the sponsorship of His Excellency the Director of the University Dr. AbdulRahman Obaid AlYobi. It is part of the series of lectures presented by Social Responsibility unit for the third year in the morning of Thursday 24/01/1438 in King Faisal Center for Conferences. The event opened with verses from the holy Quran recited by Mr. Ali AlGarni and was presented by Dr. Hamed bin AbdulRaouf Saleh the Deanship representative for development. The lecturer was Dr. AbdulMalik bin Mohamed Saleh Altaf , the associate professor in developed endoscopy surgery and obesity in Faculty of Medicine and the lecture included  several aspects most prominent of which was most modern methods of obesity operations and statistics about the rate of  the obese and the resulting effects after conducting the operation.

Dr. Abdul Malik ended his lecture by answering the questions of the attendees both men and women. Then Dr. Towfiq bin AbdulMuhsin AlKhayal  dean of the Deanshp of Community Service and Continuing Education presented a commemorative shield to the lecturer.

Those who participated in this event included Dr. Fawzia Mohamed AlNuaiser Representative of Girls Section and the work team composed of the employees of Social Responsibility Unit headed by Mr. Naser AlGamdi the unit manager, Mr. Ali AlHarithi manager of Deanship Department who presented the event sections, Mr. Omer AlAgad manager of Public Relations and Marketing Unit and all the Deanship employees from different units in cooperation with Girls Section.

The event was ended with draws for all attendees both men and women.




Last Update
3/27/2017 11:45:45 AM