General Information

JCC has three academic departments:

In addition to these departments, JCC also has the supporting department of General Required Courses (GRC).

Each academic department offers at least one program of studies at present the time. These programs were carefully selected according to the best scientific standards and after a series of consultative workshops with educationists and experts to meet the needs of the labor market. The first year at JCC is a preparatory year for most of its students with 9 credit hours that focus on English, Computer Science and Mathematics. Students have to pass the subjects in this year to move on to the next year and specialize in one of the majors available. Students also study work ethics and communication skills during their 2nd and 3rd year in college.

The available major programs at JCC are:   



 Programs and Courses

JCC applies the credit hour system decided by the Council of the University. Each academic year is divided into two major terms, each 16 weeks in length in addition to a separate 8-week summer term.

Last Update
5/18/2010 10:18:55 PM