Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Marine Biology

Faculty of Marine Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 0126952000 Ext. 62743


Dr. Satheesh Sathianeson

 Associate Professor




Research Interests

My research is largely focused on biofouling and the chemical ecology of marine organisms particularly the factors controlling marine invertebrate larval settlement on hard surfaces,  marine invertebrate-microbe associations, chemical defense of marine macroalgae and community ecology of fouling organisms. In addition to understanding the ecology, distribution of fouling community and factors responsible for the spatial and temporal variations, my studies are also focusing on natural product antifouling compounds from marine microbes, soft corals and marine macroalgae. I am using marine biofilm-forming bacteria and barnacle larvae as models for the antifouling compound screening assays in the laboratory.  I am also interested in studying the effects of anthropogenic and climate change-induced stressors on marine benthic communities.

my publications


Scientific interests


Areas of expertise

Biofouling, Biofilms, Marine chemical ecology
Biofouling, biofilms, marine chemical ecology
Biofouling, Seaweeds, Chemical Ecology Marine Biofouling, Biofilms, Seaweeds and associated invertebrates, impact of anthropogenic and natural stressors on marine ecosystems