Academic System of the Affiliation Program


The Merits of the Affiliation Program

  1. It enables students to attend the evening preparatory course offered by the concerned college provided that he/she registers in the course in advance.
  2. The students has the right to transform from studying which is based on the affiliation system to regular system after finishing at least two academic semesters with an cumulative average( 3.5 out of 5) and meeting the affiliation system acceptance perquisites and according to the capacity of the college.
  3. Students benefit from the internet and the e-university. 

The Academic System of the Program:


1.    The same rules and regulations of the regular students are applied on the students who enroll in the university based on the affiliation program (The list of studies and examinations for the university phase).

2.    The student's schedule in is electronically registered for all students at the beginning of each semester.

3.    Students can pay their fees at the beginning of each semester and they can offer a copy of the despite sheet to the Deanship of Community Service and Continuous learning before the dead time allocated for this process.

4.    In case the student does not afford the required fees within the specified time, he/she can't pursue his/her study and he/she is suspended. (If the student's cumulative average is below 2, then he/she is completely discharged from the university) This action will not be carried out unless the student provided a request in which he/she asks for postponing his/her study for the second semester and this request should be given to the college where he/she is being registered within the specified date.    

5.    In case the student interrupts, his/her study for four academic semesters his/her file posting will be cancelled.         

For more information:

Male students: phone number  6951232 extension (204 – 203)

Female students: phone number  9652000 extension (26004 -26329)

Last Update
12/30/2008 11:41:11 AM