Tips on KAU E-mail

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Mail Services - Quick Search.

When you type something in the search box on your mail page, the autocomplete predictions will be formatted in the content of your email, so that you can save time and get the information you want faster than ever before.

For example, when you want to search for a specific employee mail, you can place the first letter or two letters from the employee's name or the email address, AutoComplete predictions will show all expectations, and the e-mail will be for “Abdullah”, among them. All you have to do is click the address and you will open up a new mail message. .

Special explanatory words can be used to speed up the search process and determine what is required, as follows:


It means that message headings and other properties can be added to it, such as showing all sent messages, write (Label) in the search box:

Lable: starred

To show the favorite messages (starred), write (Label: starred) in the search box.

Lable: spam

To show unwanted messages and check them, write (spam) in the search box

Label: All Mail

To show all messages, write (All mail) in the search box

To search for messages that contain attachments, write (has: attachment) in the search box.

has: attachment

To search for messages that contain a picture, write (has: photo) in the search box.

has: photo

To search for messages that contain a document, write (has: document) in the search box.


To search for messages that contain a file attached in a specific type, write (filename: pdf) in the search box.

filename: pdf

It means that you are searching for a PDF file.

Last Update
9/10/2018 2:13:18 PM