MSC 307 - نماذج اسئلة واجوبة


There is no exam in this subject, however, the following shows the requirements and structure of the field report:


Structure (should be in order)

Requirements in each point

Title page

Department name; faculty name; title; student name; student no; class no; academic staff name; semester no; year.


Summary of the report no more than 750 words highlighting the location of the study area, number and type of samples and data collected, type of analyses and finding

Table of content

See any book for formatting and style


Location of the study area, dimension, climate, geology, bathymetry, salinity, features.


Instruments, sample number, data type, sample preparation, techniques, computer softwares.


Represented by tables, figures…..any illustration types


Description and meaning of results


Summary from result and discussion (no more than one page; significant points)


Books, journal articles and online resources that used to be cited using Harvard or any accepted citation systems.


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5/19/2009 1:02:02 AM