Standard of Printing and Publishing Quality

  • The standards for publishing and the output of the magazine; includes size, type  and weight of cover paper and internal signature , printing area, margins, heel, point and fonts for titles and text, line length and leading, tables, graphs, maps and commentaries, the way Mention of foreign names, dates, Arabic and foreign references.... etc.
  • Commitment to ethical and legal standards for publication.
  • Identification of standards and technical elements of research and scientific journals and books
  • Original of back matter and indexing.
  • The standards for the covers of magazines, books and aappendices
  • The application of standard specifications to quality control Printing.
  • Identify work flow  for the production of books and scientific journals beginning and end customer.
  • Identify programs and digital formats suitable for digital files of research, books and scientific journals.
  • Determine resolution, color spaces suitable for  covers of books and magazines, pictures and graphics.
  • Adjusting of printing, and binding in terms of  the specifications and quantities.
  • Open communication channels between customers and the printing and publishing units.
  • Making digital archive of researches and scientific journals, including benefits in the event of reprinting or print additional quantities.

Last Update
9/27/2011 11:59:06 AM